Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Update from Kona #2

Our first week of classes (April 6-10) was mostly on character, values, etc. We had a speaker named Mark James who is a musician and worship leader from England. His most famous song in Christiandom is called “Surrender”. He also has a band called Verra Cruz. You should check them out. Under the name Verra Cruz, they are making it big in the "secular music" industry. Nevertheless, he was a great example of a strong believer whose passion is to be a great artist in an industry that is dark and despairing. He has had many successes, many failures, many ups and downs, but in the end he still knows that he is where he needs to be, and loves it.

Our second week of classes (April 13-17) was on the basic technical elements of filmmaking—Camera, sound, dolly/jip/glidecam, composition, etc.

This week’s classes (April 20-24) are on Screenwriting. Our speaker is Kevin Miller, the screenwriter for Expelled, and other films. Just today (the 20th) we were given several assignments that will help us get in the habit of quickly devising creative stories from news headlines. I did mine on the following headline: “A film recently opened in Cairo has revived a controversy about the depiction of Coptics in Egyptian drama.” Being that I spent two and a half months in Cairo for my DTS outreach this headline caught my attention. If something cool comes out of it, I’ll be sure to post it for all to see =)

More to come...

Ask me any questions about anything that you'd like to hear about!

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